04-27-2024no imagePaws for concern: Why has pet ownership become so expensive?
The average pet owner is spending $2,500 per year, due to rising costs of adoption, food and veterinarian care.
02-15-2024no imageDes vétérinaires mettent la patte sur un pourcentage de la facture aux clients
Ce mode de rémunération importé des États-Unis fait débat dans la profession au Québec.
01-19-2024no imageMystery illness affecting dogs
Vet Enid Stiles explains the mysterious respiratory illness that seems to be affecting dogs.
12-03-2023no imageWhat’s causing severe respiratory illnesses in dogs?
Veterinarians say there could be a number of reasons for the uptick in cases of atypical canine respiratory disease, including declines in ...
11-17-2023no imageSouth Korea unveils plan to ban dog meat by 2027
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11-07-2023no imageB.C. veterinarians' mental health worsening | On The Coast with Gloria Macarenko | Live Radio | CBC Listen
Dr. Fraser Davidson, the Society of B.C. Veterinarians’ board president, says Canadian veterinarians have been experiencing extreme burnout and worsening mental health due to staff shortages, an increase in pets, and the round-the-clock stress of the job.
10-20-2023no imageVeterinarians on high alert after canine influenza reported in Calgary | Watch News Videos Online
Watch Veterinarians on high alert after canine influenza reported in Calgary Video Online, on