Industriebox - 21 Ju - 18:47 UTC
Die EU hat in der Vergangenheit schon einige Gesetze eingeführt, um die Cybersicherheit zu stärken – darunter etwa NIS-2 oder den ...

in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag auf eine Stärkung des Open Source-Sektors geeinigt hat. Und auch Projekte wie Gaia-X haben die Hoffnung geschürt,
no image - 21 Ju - 16:58 UTC
Der CRA birgt auch große Gefahren für die Open Source-Community und Europa, warnt Rico Barth von der Open Source Business Alliance.

in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag auf eine Stärkung des Open Source-Sektors geeinigt hat. Und auch Projekte wie Gaia-X haben die Hoffnung geschürt,
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Korea IT Times - 20 Ju - 04:00 UTC
In the rapidly evolving landscape of Web3 networks, peaq emerges as a trailblazer, fueling the Economy of Things with its innovative ...

marks a significant milestone. Gaia-X tirelessly endeavors to secure Europe's digital sovereignty while championing transparency and
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Blockster - 18 Ju - 23:36 UTC
The Web3 network, peaq, known for powering the Economy of Things, has taken a giant leap forward in the fitness and health tracker market ...

and monetize their data on peaq's Gaia-X data marketplace, further contributing to Europe's digital sovereignty and privacy initiatives.Co-
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CDO Magazine - 18 Ju - 16:00 UTC
The analog economic order is continuously converting towards a data economy while being shaken by drastic demographic and societal changes.

the German-French-driven project Gaia-X which aims at creating a trustworthy, secure, and transparent data infrastructure in the EU that can
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iCrowdNewswire - 18 Ju - 03:00 UTC
Visão geral do mercado:

Europeia na transformação digital e iniciativas como a European Cloud Initiative e o projeto Gaia-X acelerem a adoção de soluções IaaS na
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Contentengine - 18 Ju - 02:13 UTC
Medtronic Inc

on digital transformation and initiatives like the European Cloud Initiative and Gaia-X project are expected to accelerate the adoption of
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Jurnal de Dambovita - 16 Ju - 23:20 UTC
Primele 6 luni ale lui 2023 au trecut şi un mic bilanţ strategic este util pentru a anticipa evenimentele viitoare. În iunie am revenit la ...

autor, pe teme diverse precum: GAIA-X - punctul digital al ecosistemelor UE, Baterii „made in Europe” şi Resursa umanã a Republicii Moldova
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Get to Text - 12 Ju - 13:30 UTC
European enterprises are reaching a new scale of public cloud usage. 92% of companies in France, the UK and Germany say they have adopted ...

that regulation is a big issue for European cloud markets. GAIA-X is not proven yet The Franco-German GAIA-X initiative has not had a huge
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Het Financieele Dagblad (FD) - 11 Ju - 20:00 UTC
Privacy in het digitale tijdperk is een ongrijpbaar idee. Veel mensen zal het een zorg zijn dat hun data heen en weer flitsen tussen Europa ...

het oplost. Het kan de laatste klap zijn voor het toch al flinterdunne project Gaia-X, oftewel de Europese computercloud. Die zou juist de
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Breaking Latest News - 11 Ju - 11:38 UTC
Two pillars of the strategy: a Rnetworks of geo-distributed data centers to “secure” public data and a pcommercial proposition which – ...

aboard the European cloud Gaia-X Cubbit is also among the companies involved in the European cloud project Gaia-X . “As a partner of Gaia-X
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ActuIA - 06 Ju - 15:16 UTC
ChatGPT a démontré l’acuité et l’efficience des technologies d’intelligence artificielle dans nos écosystèmes personnels et professionnels.

à celui de Gaia-X, la plateforme européenne de Cloud visant à construire une infrastructure de données fiable et sécurisée pour l’Europe,
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Casa Europei Cluj-Napoca - 05 Ju - 20:31 UTC
-autor, pe teme diverse precum: GAIA-X - punctul digital al ecosistemelor UE, Baterii “made in Europe” şi Resursa umanã a Republicii Moldova
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Just Security - 29 Ju - 14:50 UTC
While the world is momentarily concerned with how to best regulate or govern Artificial Intelligence (AI), an important geopolitical ...

digital sovereignty have led to the proposal and development of the GAIA-x initiative , which aims to provide a secure data infrastructure
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Telecompaper - 28 Ju - 12:52 UTC
The Deutsche Telekom said its subsidiary T-Systems has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide data spaces, which are a form of ...

to check the credentials of companies joining Catena X, a network for data exchange in the automotive industry under the Gaia-X project.
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Bitcoin Isle - 28 Ju - 01:56 UTC
A Vienna-based car-sharing service company has outfitted nearly half of its 200+ fleet of cars with blockchain-based self-sovereign IDs for ...

this development to an EU initiative called Gaia-X, which aims to create a sovereign data infrastructure, and standards for identity and
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Coinstelegram - Coinstelegram - 27 Ju - 16:10 UTC
Vienna-Based Car-Sharing Service Embraces Web3 with Tokenized Teslas

these advancements and an EU initiative called Gaia-X, which envisions a sovereign data infrastructure and sets standards for identity and
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The National Interest - 27 Ju - 15:37 UTC
The government that can utilize information more efficiently will have an advantage over its rivals. AI is simply the next stage of this ...

best seen in the EU’s current push for digital sovereignty and support of the GAIA-x initiative . Ultimately, new investments into the AI
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ComputerWorld - 21 Ju - 11:23 UTC
Foundry (grupo editor de ComputerWorld) y la consultora IDC organizaron ayer el Data Strategy, un evento en el que se analizó por qué las ...

de ello”. Francesco Bonfiglio, CEO de GAIA-X. Soberanía digital y del dato Ignacio Cobisa destacó que todas las directrices de GAIA-X
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Daily CAD CAM - 21 Ju - 07:54 UTC
VITORIA-GASTEIZ, Spain, Jun 21, 2023 – Lantek is actively engaged in the aiXia project, which focuses on establishing collaborative ...

is based on Gaia-X, an open, federated, and secure data ecosystem that upholds digital sovereignty and promotes innovation. Gaia-X serves as
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Breaking Latest News - 20 Ju - 16:28 UTC
In order to resolve the conflict between high computing power and sustainability, innovative technologies are needed that improve climate ...

digital sovereignty in Europe. Likewise, cooperative projects and initiatives that aim to standardize cloud components (e.g. Gaia-X or the
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AlphaGalileo - 20 Ju - 15:18 UTC
Data-driven decision-making driven by Machine Learning (ML) algorithms is changing the way society and the economy work, with a profound ...

in the cloud and in federated data architectures, such as, for example, those defined by institutions like IDSA or Gaia-X, with innovations
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ERTICO - 20 Ju - 12:02 UTC
Jun 20, 2023 | From Our Partners

including dataspace components. Gaia-X is a project focused on the development of a federation of data infrastructure and service providers
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ComputerWorld - 19 Ju - 13:43 UTC
Madrid acoge mañana el encuentro ‘Data Strategy’, organizado por Foundry e IDC para pulsar cómo extraen partido de sus datos relevantes ...

Data Strategy ’. La jornada comenzará con una charla de Francesco Bonfiglio, CEO de GAIA-X AISBL , la asociación internacional sin ánimo de
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IoT Now - 17 Ju - 13:00 UTC
DigiCert, a provider of digital trust, has announced that it will be providing digital trust services to the European Production Giganet ( ...

4.0 in Europe by demonstrating a shared, intelligent and automated data ecosystem that will drive value creation within the European
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Tech Investor News - 16 Ju - 14:10 UTC
VIEWPOINT Written by Andy Mok, Senior Research Fellow Senior Research Fellow of Center for China and Globalization, Commentator of CGTN ...

’s ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ (self-reliant India) initiative and Europe’s GAIA-X are fostering growth of domestic tech industries. China, through
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EurekAlert! - 15 Ju - 16:37 UTC
INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment

project partners represent 6 of Europe’s key research infrastructures: IBISBA, ELIXIR, BBMRI, MIRRI, DSMZ and GAIA-X. The project’s aim is
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Infosecurity Magazine - 14 Ju - 10:00 UTC
DigiCert gaat digitale vertrouwensdiensten leveren aan het European Production Giganet (EuProGigant) project, ‘s werelds eerste ...

aan het European Production Giganet (EuProGigant) project, ‘s werelds eerste praktijkimplementatie van Gaia-X. Daarmee gaat DigiCert een
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Louis Naugès - 09 Ju - 11:59 UTC
à 27, créer des organisations avec des centaines de membres comme GAIA-X. Désespoir: l’Europe est foutue, elle a définitivement perdu la
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L'Entrepreneur - 09 Ju - 11:09 UTC
Cleyrop, basée à Paris, une plateforme sûre et souveraine pour démocratiser et industrialiser l’utilisation de l’information, a révélé le ...

’engager à maintenir l’autonomie technique de l’ Europe . Il participe activement à Gaia-X. Il participe également à plusieurs tâches de R&
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Daily Updates 98 - 08 Ju - 15:08 UTC
Digital sovereignty, autonomy and trust on the cloud: ESNs, software publishers, consulting and integration specialists provide an accurate ...

what appears to be a spell. In the cloud field, the European Gaia-X cloud project is still not ready. An alternative that may be dubious is
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WebWire - 07 Ju - 21:33 UTC
IAA MOBILITY (September 5-10) will turn Munich into a showcase and testing lab for climate-neutral mobility of the future. Cars can be ...

MOBIX will be at IAA MOBILITY to present the MOBI-X project by the GAIA-X mobility consortium moveID, and will also be available in many
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Fusacq - 07 Ju - 16:38 UTC
Cleyrop ouvre le 2ème chapitre de son histoire avec une nouvelle levée de plus de 10 M€. Avec cette nouvelle étape de financement, Cleyrop ...

sa volonté de défendre une indépendance technologique de l’Europe. Elle est membre à ce titre de Gaia-X et participe à plusieurs projets R&D
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I3 Investor - 07 Ju - 11:59 UTC
A Swedish startup called Evroc has declared ambitious plans to build a pan-European cloud platform to take on American heroes Amazon Web ...

long been a concern for many in Europe. In 2020, a federated European data infrastructure project called Gaia-X was started, with the aim of
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MyNewsdesk Germany - 06 Ju - 15:01 UTC
On Monday, 5 June 2023, the Gaia-X Ordinary General Assembly convened, bringing together the association members to vote on critical ...

aspects of the Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL. Gaia-X represents the next generation of data infrastructure: an open,
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eeNews Europe - 06 Ju - 10:35 UTC
By Nick Flaherty

the local cloud market. Europe’s Gaia-X takes on Amazon and Microsoft clouds HPE backs Gaia-X for the European cloud Immersive cooling for
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Don't Worry Buy - 06 Ju - 09:16 UTC
Breadcrumb Trail Links

sovereign cloud service referred to as Gaia-X. Foreign corporations presently account for 87% of the European cloud market, in keeping with
no image - 05 Ju - 12:47 UTC
Die Teilnehmenden des Gaia-X Hub Austria Workshops in Alpbach

Umsetzung der Gaia-X-Vision wurde im Jänner 2021 in Brüssel die Non-Profit-Organisation Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL
no image - 02 Ju - 14:45 UTC
-2Vf0c&feature=oembed Avec le projet Gaia-X, initié par l’Allemagne et la France, l’Europe compte s’émanciper des géants américains et
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membre fondateur de GAIA-X, un écosystème conçu pour regrouper des infrastructures et des services de cloud de confiance en Europe. Enfin,
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Le Monde Informatique - 02 Ju - 14:15 UTC
L’aventure continue pour Cleyrop, acteur français fournissant une plateforme complète pour l’exploitation des données. La start-up née en ...

nom vient des termes clés et Europe) s’inscrit dans une ambition européenne à travers la participation aux travaux de Gaia-X, des programmes
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Média Marocain - 02 Ju - 12:00 UTC
Orange Maroc ambitionne de capitaliser sur son expertise pour contribuer à faire du Maroc un Hub Technologique de référence en Afrique.

membre fondateur de GAIA-X, un écosystème conçu pour rassembler des infrastructures et des services de cloud de confiance en Europe. Enfin,
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Maghress - 02 Ju - 00:11 UTC
Le Groupe Orange participe activement à l'inclusion digitale dans la zone Afrique et Moyen-Orient dans l'objectif de renforcer sa position ...

membre fondateur de GAIA-X, un écosystème conçu pour rassembler des infrastructures et des services de cloud de confiance en Europe. Enfin,
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Infomédiaire - 01 Ju - 22:03 UTC
Opérateur engagé dans la transformation numérique du continent, Orange est fier d’être aujourd’hui Diamond Sponsor du GITEX Africa 2023.

membre fondateur de GAIA-X, un écosystème conçu pour rassembler des infrastructures et des services de cloud de confiance en Europe. Enfin,
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eeNews Europe - 01 Ju - 09:56 UTC
By Nick Flaherty

to set up driverless car design centre with Foxconn GAIA-X project to develop open source blockchain for driverless cars US approves rules
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Hosteltur - 31 Ma - 00:23 UTC
La cuarta edición del congreso turístico MyT Summit se celebrará este jueves día 1 de junio en el espacio CaixaForum de Palma . Este evento ...

FIWARE Foundation Marga Martin, Gaia-X AISBL Modera Juan Luis Ruiz Collado La 4ª edición del MyT Summit se celebrará este jueves en
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Forrester Research - 30 Ma - 09:05 UTC
Until a few months ago, many saw Gaia-X as a dead entity; a project designed to create a federated and secure European data infrastructure ...

at the Gaia-X Summit in Brussels in December 2022 CEO Francesco Bonfiglio was just announcing the then-upcoming launch of the first Gaia-X
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Report Plus - 25 Ma - 14:57 UTC
Mit den #Powerfrauen steht eine neue Initiative für mehr Frauen in der Energiewirtschaft, außerdem: Belohnungen für Batterierecycling in ...

Industrie fördert und damit den Wirtschaftsstandort stärkt. Hinter Market-X steht mit Gaia-X eine europäische Initiative zum Aufbau einer
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Keynote Theatre, DevOps, Cloud-Native and Open Source Theatre, GAIA-X Theatre, Cybersecurity Keynote Theatre, and Cybersecurity Theatre 2
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Networkseuropemagazine - 25 Ma - 11:00 UTC
Aruba has announced its entry into the Gaia-X Digital Clearing House, the network of executive ‘nodes’ that assesses companies wishing to ...

into the Gaia-X Digital Clearing House, the network of executive ‘nodes’ that assesses companies wishing to become compliant with Gaia-X
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bee smart city - 22 Ma - 14:44 UTC
All who are interested in driving Open Data, Open Source, and Open Interfaces, together with the global FIWARE community and its more than ...

experts and business drivers presenting Data Spaces Business Alliance (formed by BDVA , FIWARE Foundation , Gaia-X and IDSA ) have been
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Express Computer - 22 Ma - 08:22 UTC
By Karan Kirpalani, Vice President – Managed Cloud, Infrastructure Services, NTT Ltd. in India In 2022, the cloud remained the pivotal ...

and sovereignty. Gaia-X, a project initiated by Europe to create a federated and secure data infrastructure for countries from Europe, is
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The Global Legal Post - 19 Ma - 12:39 UTC
The tide of ever-increasing globalisation and economic integration is receding. The imposition of trade tariffs between the US and China, ...

sector is led by non-European players and therefore launched the “GAIA-X project” with Germany to try and facilitate access to the market
no image - 19 Ma - 11:28 UTC
environment. European initiatives such as GAIA-X are developing an open, federated and interoperable data infrastructure to foster a data
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AG Connect - 16 Ma - 10:34 UTC
Met testomgeving kijken of workloads ook echt goed tussen clouds kunnen bewegen.

heen draaien, zonder dat het daar last van heeft? Aan het Europese project Gaia-X wordt al zo’n 3,5 jaar gewerkt. De bedoeling is dat er
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PROCESS - 15 Ma - 14:10 UTC
Jeder spricht von der Plattformökonomie, doch die Umsetzung hakt. Wer in der Prozessindustrie nach digitalen Geschäftsmodellen sucht – ...

Entwicklung digitaler Geschäftsmodelle beflügeln wollen – und auf europäischer Ebene Gaia-X, ein Open Source-Projekt, das ein „Ökosystem aus
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contribuyentes en el desarrollo de OpenGPT-X, un modelo open source financiado por la Unión Europea y englobado dentro del proyecto Gaia-X.
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de OpenGPT-X, un modelo open source financiado por la Unión Europea y englobado dentro del proyecto Gaia-X. La IA Aleph Alpha enfocada en
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Ruetir - 14 Ma - 19:06 UTC
Aleph Alpha is Europe’s great hope in artificial intelligence. This German startup founded in 2019 by Jonas Andrulis (ex-Apple) and Samuel ...

the development of OpenGPT-X, an open source model funded by the European Union and included in the Gaia-X project. Aleph Alpha offers some
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TheAcademic - 13 Ma - 05:59 UTC
Digital technologies pose both risks and opportunities for security: Risks emerge from savvy cybercriminals, tech companies that occupy key ...

the prominent role of (foreign) tech companies in the cloud project Gaia-X. The current dominance of major foreign tech companies has been
no image - 11 Ma - 12:27 UTC
Als wegbereider in Nederland én Europa ziet TNO veel in data-spaces. Deze platformen voor gegevensuitwisseling bieden volgens het ...

verenigt het project nu meer dan 350 organisaties uit alle delen van de wereld. Punter ziet dat Gaia-X standaarden ontwikkelt om het
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Cloud7 - 10 Ma - 19:00 UTC
Gaia-X and Smart Africa announce their partnership to establish a cutting-edge hub to revolutionize data in Africa.

and recognition of the Gaia-X standard beyond Europe, creating sovereign and interoperable data infrastructure to support innovation and
no image - 09 Ma - 16:36 UTC
Verschlüsselungsangebote, Qualitäts- und Sicherheitszertifikate und DSGVO-Konformität führen die Rangliste der wichtigsten ...

Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz geförderte Gaia-X Federation Services Projekt gerade zentrale Softwarebausteine als Open Source Software an den
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Global FinTech Series - 08 Ma - 05:00 UTC
I am a technology enthusiast who has been passionate about the internet and fintech since the late 1980s when I got my first modem. My ...

CEO at Laguna Labs Gaia-X is an ambitious initiative to create a secure, federated, and open data infrastructure for Europe. It consists
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dominate future businesses. This is where Gaia-X comes in: This project is initiated by Europe for Europe and beyond. Representatives from
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Global FinTech Series - 04 Ma - 10:15 UTC
My pleasure. My name is Kai Meinke, and I am the Co-Founder and Business Lead of deltaDAO AG, located in Hamburg, Northern Germany, and ...

federated Gaia-X edge network “GEN-X” for Gaia-X, together with Polygon and EuProGigant, the Austrian-German Gaia-X lighthouse project.
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, appelé Gaia-X, qui pourrait devenir une plateforme européenne pour les données industrielles et permettre aux entreprises d'Europe de
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TelcoTitans - 25 Ap - 20:20 UTC
By Michelle Donegan2022-02-21T15:34:00

tie-up between Google and T-Systems and a positive sign for Europe’s Gaia-X project. Already registered? Sign in here . By registering
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Blockster - 25 Ap - 16:50 UTC
... peaq and EWOR are launching a new program to jointly support five entrepreneurs with early funding, world-leading educational material ...

get introductions with companies and projects participating in the Gaia-X 4FM moveID project that peaq is part of alongside such enterprises
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Cutting Tool Engineering - 25 Ap - 14:00 UTC
Related Glossary Terms

and bring this to Europe. In the “EuProGigant” project, production-related data is identified, extracted and organized. Through Gaia-X (a
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Wissenschaftsmanagement Online - 24 Ap - 15:05 UTC
Aus dem exponentiellen Wachstum von digitalen Daten in allen Lebens- und Arbeitsbereichen hat sich ein hoher Bedarf an geeigneten Daten- ...

NFDI), der European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) und der transnationalen Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud, indem er ihre jeweilige
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Marketing-Börse - 18 Ap - 23:59 UTC
eco Umfrage: 83,7 Prozent der IT-Experten sieht deutsche Industrie im internationalen Vergleich eher schlechter aufgestellt.

unter anderem auch der Gaia-X Hub Deutschland und die Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL. Praxisbeispiele anhand von
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Bitcoin Isle - 18 Ap - 01:59 UTC
The integration enables developers building on peaq and krest to leverage’s agents for automating and optimizing various business ...

and within the framework of the Gaia-X 4FM moveID project. Led by Bosch, the project brings some of the leading industry names such
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eco Umfrage: 55 Prozent beklagen bürokratische Hürden bei Digitalisierungsprojekten in der deutschen Industrie.

demonstrieren, unter anderem auch der Gaia-X Hub Deutschland und die Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL. Schwerpunkte der
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Wie Gaia-X als Datenökosystem für die Industrie vertrauenswürdige und resiliente Infrastrukturen schafft und gleichzeitig Ressourcen schont ...

Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Europas führen wird.“ Vereinfacht betrachtet ist Gaia-X ein Rahmenwerk für digitale Dienstleistungen, Services und
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StartupItalia - 14 Ap - 05:01 UTC
Gli eventi digitali da non perdere della settimana segnalati da Andrea Romoli

at Bocconi University School of Management; Francesco Bonfiglio Chief Executive Officer at GAIA-X AISBL; Alessio Tolo , Professore e
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KEM - 13 Ap - 17:00 UTC
Hannover Messe Gaia-X-Community zeigt ihre Projekte

Rahmenwerk für digitale Dienstleistungen Vereinfacht betrachtet ist Gaia-X ein Rahmenwerk für digitale Dienstleistungen, Services und
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Line of Biz - 13 Ap - 06:02 UTC
Wie Gaia-X als Datenökosystem für die Industrie vertrauenswürdige und resiliente Infrastrukturen schafft und gleichzeitig Ressourcen schont ...

um Europas digitale Zukunft zu gestalten.“ Vereinfacht betrachtet ist Gaia-X ein Rahmenwerk für digitale Dienstleistungen, Services und
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CPI Competition Policy International - 09 Ap - 17:31 UTC
By Ademir Antonio Pereira Jr., Yan Villela Vieira & Gabriel de Aguiar Tajra 1 This article discusses key developments in Brazilian ...

an ecosystem that follows the principles of European management infrastructure Gaia-X Association, to promote the development of digital
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Eurasia Review - 08 Ap - 00:20 UTC
By Deborah James*

data-center infrastructure and the EU proposed the creation of an European cloud, Gaia-X. But the EU’s digital trade rules against data
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Global Print Monitor (DE) - 08 Ap - 00:18 UTC
Das neue Horizon Europe Projekt Flex4Res unterstützt die europäische Fertigungsindustrie bei der flexiblen Neukonfiguration von ...

Horizon Europe gefördert. Es ist eines von derzeit fünf Projekten innerhalb des wachsenden Produktionsökosystems rund um das Gaia-X-
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medianet - 07 Ap - 00:08 UTC
WIEN. Als Teil des österreichischen Gaia-X Hub Austria holte die Plattform Industrie 4.0 Österreich beim Market-X Community-Event in Wien ...

WIEN. Als Teil des österreichischen Gaia-X Hub Austria holte die Plattform Industrie 4.0 Österreich beim Market-X Community-Event in Wien
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IRT3000 - 06 Ap - 15:53 UTC
The new Horizon Europe project Flex4Res supports the European manufacturing industry in the flexible reconfiguration of production ...

Europe program. It is one of currently five projects within the growing ecosystem around the manufacturing-centred Gaia-X lighthouse project
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Innovation Post - 06 Ap - 14:41 UTC
Rafforzare la resilienza dell’industria manifatturiera europea, consentendo ai produttori di affrontare e riprendersi più rapidamente dalle ...

programma Horizon Europe. È uno dei cinque progetti che attualmente fanno parte dell’ecosistema in crescita attorno al progetto faro Gaia-X
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WINMAG Pro - 04 Ap - 21:01 UTC
Wat komt er technisch bij kijken om verschillende datacenters virtueel te laten samenwerken en zo samen één cloud te laten vormen? Dat ...

met elkaar kunnen verbinden conform het Gaia-X stelsel. BIT is één van de drie cloudproviders die aan dit project meewerkt, naast SURF en
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ICT/Magazine - 03 Ap - 08:43 UTC
Wat komt er technisch bij kijken om verschillende datacenters virtueel te laten samenwerken en zo samen één cloud te laten vormen? Dat ...

Dat onderzoekt BIT samen met vijf partners in het project Structura-X. Structura-X is een project van Gaia-X, een initiatief om de Europese
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Edge Industry Review - 29 Ma - 17:51 UTC
The Gaia-X project Tellus, led by Internet Exchange (IX) operator DE-CIX , has defined its technical architecture for current use cases.
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CloudComputing-Insider - 29 Ma - 09:30 UTC
Market-X Konferenz in Wien

Gaia-X hat Mitte März die Market-X Conference & Expo in Wien veranstaltet. Dabei wurde das „Gaia-X Digital Clearing House“ (GXDCH)
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Verband Deutscher Biologen e.V. - 27 Ma - 12:15 UTC
Der Rat für Informationsinfrastrukturen (RfII) veröffentlicht einen Vergleich und Anregungen zu Ausbau und Weiterentwicklung von NFDI, EOSC ...

NFDI), der European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) und der transnationalen Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud, indem er ihre jeweilige
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Heise online - 25 Ma - 13:54 UTC
Der Bund hat den Förderstart für ein erstes, von SAP durchgeführtes Teilprojekt des EU-Beihilfeprogramms für eine industrielle Cloud (IPCEI ...

Industriecloud aufgelegt haben, erachtete Peter Ganten, Vorsitzender der Open Source Business Alliance, vor anderthalb Jahren als hilfreich.
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BI-Platform - 24 Ma - 07:26 UTC
De Nederlandse Gaia-X hub, TNO, BIT, Intermax, Info Support, SURF en AMS-IX gaan samen een nationale Gaia-X testomgeving bouwen. ...

Met deze testomgeving sluiten de Nederlandse partijen aan bij een project binnen Gaia-X, genaamd Structura-X. Digitale soevereiniteit in
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TelecomRamblings - 23 Ma - 12:47 UTC
Four international infrastructure items to catch up with from the middle of this week:

mind. Tellus is a 3-year project funded in part by the German government to deploy a Gaia-X compliant network infrastructure by the end of
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Telecompaper - 23 Ma - 10:05 UTC
Tellus, the Gaia-X development project led by internet exchange operator De-Cix, said it reached a new stage: the completion of the ...

Tellus, the Gaia-X development project led by internet exchange operator De-Cix, said it reached a new stage: the completion of the
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Telecom Ramblings - 22 Ma - 20:34 UTC
Frankfurt am Main, 21.03.2023: Tellus, the Gaia-X development project led by Internet Exchange (IX) operator DE-CIX, has reached a new ...

Frankfurt am Main, 21.03.2023: Tellus, the Gaia-X development project led by Internet Exchange (IX) operator DE-CIX, has reached a new
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European Tool & Mould Making - 21 Ma - 10:17 UTC
Market changes and mutual dependencies between value creation stages require both new technical and economical solutions. How can companies ...

project, production-related data is identified, extracted and organised. Through Gaia-X (a sovereign data infrastructure for Europe), a data
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Raconteur - 20 Ma - 15:05 UTC
If anyone were in doubt of the impact that the misuse of data can have on businesses and nation states, they’d need to look no further than ...

issue lies within the Gaia-X digital clearing house (GXDCH), described as “the one-stop place to be verified against the Gaia-X rules and
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Techzine Europe - 20 Ma - 11:23 UTC
Several Dutch knowledge institutes and Internet service providers, supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, will jointly set up a ...

regulations of the European Gaia-X project. Creating a Dutch test environment for the pan-European federated data and cloud infrastructure
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Techzine - 20 Ma - 09:44 UTC
Verschillende Nederlandse kennisinstituten en internetaanbieders, gesteund door het ministerie van EZK, gaan samen een Gaia-X testomgeving ...

aan de cloudstandaarden, specificaties en regelgeving van het Europese Gaia-X-project voldoen. Met het creëren een Nederlandse testomgeving
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BusinessNews - 20 Ma - 02:58 UTC
... 14th GM Radio organized Coinpost Global, the global edition of Coinpost, held its 13th “GM Radio” on the 17th, inviting Mysten Labs co- ...

also used in “Gaia-X”, the European initiative on AI and data infrastructure. Earlier this month, on GEN-X, a network dedicated to Gaia-X,
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Vindobona - 19 Ma - 20:53 UTC
Market-X took place in the context of the recently launched implementation phase of Gaia-X, which aims to support digitalization across ...

competitive Austria & Europe will remain. Gaia-X provides the right answers for this!" Francesco Bonfiglio the CEO of Gaia-X AISBL kicked
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