25 July 2024 - Maroela Media
Pretoria Girls’ High. (Foto: Facebook)ʼn Rassestorm het vandeesweek by die Pretoria High School for Girls losgebars oor beweerde rassistiese ...
25 July 2024 - Netwerk24
Pretoria High School for Girls Foto: Facebook/Pretoria High School for Girls fedsas rassisme aktueel pretoria high school for girls ...
22 July 2024 - Die Vryburger
Met ‘n nuwe minister aan die stuur van die Basiese Onderwysdepartement, kan die omstrede Wysigingswetsontwerp op Basiese Onderwyswette ( ...
18 July 2024 - Netwerk24
Foto ter illustrasie. Foto: Argief fedsas gautengse onderwysdepartement onderwys aanlyn-aansoeke gr. . gr. 8 skooltoelating
17 July 2024 - Maroela Media
... (Argieffoto: Shutterstock) Is jou hoërskoolopstelle een van die maniere waarop jy uiting aan jou kreatiwiteit gee, en geniet jy dit om nuwe ...
17 July 2024 - BusinessTech
With a new minister at the helm of the Basic Education Department, the contentious Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill passed by ...
13 July 2024 - Netwerk24
Matome Chiloane, LUR vir onderwys in Gauteng, het Donderdagoggend ouers in Diepsloot, Gauteng, gehelp om hul kinders vir die komende ...
10 July 2024 - Maroela Media
Matome Chiloane, LUR vir onderwys in Gauteng. (Foto: GDE) Ouers van voornemende gr. 1- en gr. 8-leerders kan vanaf Donderdag begin om hul ...
06 July 2024 - Maroela Media
Siviwe Gwarube, minister van basiese onderwys. (Foto: SA Government) Die nuwe minister van basiese onderwys se planne om ʼn raadplegende ...
22 June 2024 - newsexplorer.net
Behaviour issues: Bad boys give elite schools a bad name
21 June 2024 - SA People
The Department of Basic Education’s decision to include Coding and Robotics as a subject in public schools is facing significant challenges.
20 June 2024 - BusinessTech
School groups have welcomed the Department of Basic Education’s move to formalise coding and robotics as subjects in South African public ...
14 June 2024 - Maroela Media
Jana Terblanche en Marié Gräbe, onderwysspesialiste by SOS. (Foto: Maroela Media)Lees stimuleer kritiese denke, dit bevorder visualisering ...
12 June 2024 - Maroela Media
Die paneel tydens die bespreking. (Foto: Verskaf) Kenners in die onderwys sê die pas afgelope verkiesing skep ’n unieke geleentheid vir ...
05 June 2024 - Netwerk24
Angie Motshekga Foto: Gallo Images/Darren Steward fedsas angie motshekga onderwys skole wette